@Blondie, you say that Jesus' prophecy extends beyond the first century, I suggest that like all prophecy it simply was wrong, it was untrue... and Jesus' words are false.
@ Punky is it also prophetic if the number stagnate?
my jw spies tell me that the kingdom halls are empty compared to how they used to be, since i left 5 years ago.
not saying they're empty because of me though.. is that what you are hearing?.
@Blondie, you say that Jesus' prophecy extends beyond the first century, I suggest that like all prophecy it simply was wrong, it was untrue... and Jesus' words are false.
@ Punky is it also prophetic if the number stagnate?
i am writing this in the hopes that it may help someone in a debate.
i personally have not had a chance to discuss it with anyone but that is true for most other topics.
i think is a good one to analyze.
The paradise dream is just the fantasy used to lure the hapless and hopeless into the cult.
Who but the most abject JW zombie would want to live the sterile life portrayed in the illustrations? I remember one which had a mountain with snow covering from its peak down to the ground in an otherwise summer landscape which shows that they have little understanding of nature or geography, it is so unrealistic. The killer for me, like others mentioned, would be living under the "Watchtower theocracy" forever.
hi i've been reading a web sight called borean pickets.
although the guy writes some real thought provoking stuff, i sort of don't know what to make of it.
so i ran into this brother whom ive known for a while and the conversation led into me being invited to come back to the kingdom hall.
we talked for about an hour during which time i explained to him 607 being the wrong date and a lot of other stuff including the child abuse cases in australia.
but what i wanted to relate was the last few minutes of our conversation.
i can't help thinking that there is something essentially wrong with gj's new description of the role of the gibbering biddies as guardians of the doctrines..
guardians immediately take on a role of authority, (dont ever forget who is in charge!
) guardians outside of the legal sense of adoptive parent has another resonance, it sounds like the inhuman bullies in some dystopian novel about oppressive religious politics.
I can't help thinking that there is something essentially wrong with GJ's new description of the role of the Gibbering Biddies as guardians of the doctrines.
“Guardians” immediately take on a role of authority, (don’t ever forget who is in charge!) “ Guardians” outside of the legal sense of adoptive parent has another resonance, it sounds like the inhuman bullies in some dystopian novel about oppressive religious politics. (Margaret Atwell, Handmaid’s tale for example).
The fact is that truth does not need a guardian, it is only cult doctrines which need “guardians” What does anyone else think?
lostwun here, i joined 2 months ago but am now just finding the courage after doing more research to formally introduce myself to the board and embrace my new beginnings as an ex-jw.
i am a second-generation jw.
i grew up with parents who are well known and very respected in many circuits.
it's been a while since i've posted, but i've been lurking more and more lately (men never made it to the moon :p).
i recently saw a copy of the august awake magazine entitle cells!
living libraries!
Who is it that would turn to a religious cult (which disapproves of serious education) for scientific information?
Answer: Only the most stupid!
Even if their quotations are valid the context of all their material is contaminated with blind religious obsession for its own doomsday doctrines.
since coming out of the witnesses, i have gone through a transformation in thought and in mind.
i started with the usual: i thought that jesus was god.
then i investigated more about the bible and thought that the bible was not true, given the many contradictions, failed prophecies, etc.. then i investigated evolution and read lots and now i accept evolution and natural selection as things that are true.. now, i need to make my dad rethink everything.
The many pyramids, not just those at Giza, were built during the stable and therefore wealthy period in the Old Kingdom of Egypt between the years 2686 BCE and 2182 BCE. We even have the names of the architects for some of them because they were made in” historic time,” that is; after the invention of writing.
pixel and wifibandit present, in its original form, gmb_e.mp4 "you became so beloved to us".
Saccharine, vomit-worthy garbage...what else can you expect from WTBTS? The appeal is to the great human capacity for love which you can indulge in if you are appointed to be CO and wifey.
Using Paul as an example was a mistake; he was a bad tempered, obsessive, misogynist looney--- but perhaps that's what they are actually looking for!
Btw, did anyone else note that from a structural point of view the bridge holding up all those people would have insufficient strength? It is symptomatic I think of the total lack of realism in any Watchtower enterprise.
since coming out of the witnesses, i have gone through a transformation in thought and in mind.
i started with the usual: i thought that jesus was god.
then i investigated more about the bible and thought that the bible was not true, given the many contradictions, failed prophecies, etc.. then i investigated evolution and read lots and now i accept evolution and natural selection as things that are true.. now, i need to make my dad rethink everything.
Hi ILTTATT, the thing hidden from Jdubs is the whole of the scholarly world.
Just a general point to illustrate is that Wikipedia is not part of that academic method, however useful it may seem as an everyday reference, it cannot be guaranteed impartial or accurate. Neither is popular science, popular psychology, popular archaeology...and what with imagining that everything that the GB says is from God; Jdubs are floundering in intellectual darkness!
The problem for the layman is that academic works are written using concise language and rigorous argumentation in establishing a matter from evidence, knowing they will be challenged on all statements by their very well informed peers. This is the best known method to make headway or achieve a bridgehead in any particular discipline; it is necessary to establish facts. It is not sufficient to simply assert an idea, it is necessary to give concrete reasons based on testable, repeatable experimentation or logical argument. Another illustrative point is that generally the use of the word ‘logic’ within academic writing refers to something which cannot be argued against.
Contrast academia with the lazy, casual, often threatening dictates of the JW cult and the pathetic appeal to emotions. There is no ‘logic’ involved in what they assert, no arduous research, no steely resolve to elucidate truthfulness, instead just a susceptibility to obedience and fear demanded on the pretext of pleasing God which in practice means serving the interests of the cult leaders.
In view of all I have said, I don’t know of any popular books on the subject of archaeological dating methods but an overview can easily be found on the net. (Ah! Cofty has a good academic one) I have some experience doing prehistoric archaeology and the key to dating all artefacts and bones is the initial dating of the context of the depositional layers in which the item is found..Subsequent scientific analysis is necessary to confirm or even disprove and refine the time period. Since prehistory takes place over geological time it is vital to understand the rhythmic climate changes which occurred giving rise to the specific environmental conditions in which human life was experienced at the different climatic periods. This may sound trivial but is an absolute base-line ground plan for the pre-historian. Cold equals dry and desert conditions, warm equals wet and lush vegetation and all intergrades between. These are known from the earth-sciences and dated carefully.
This is the way of science, no miracles, just the plodding investigation and data determinations which build up a coherent picture of the past world in which humans lived even through the ice age which meant a mean annual temperature where I live in southern England of minus 3 degrees Celsius. (Known from the formation of ’ice wedges’ which only occur at this temperature and evidence of which remain visible today in local gravel pits and quarries).
You want an incontrovertible piece of evidence that mankind lived a long time ago. You first need to realise that the climate changes were dramatic and that during the last ice episode in the northern hemisphere, which finished only about twelve thousand years ago, the world's rainfall was commuted into vast ice sheets at the poles to a spectacular degree and one consequence of this was that the sea levels were correspondingly lower. We are talking by up to four hundred feet. Here is my experience, I was in Cassis on the south coast of France east of Marseilles and met Henri Cosquer a diver. In 1985 he discovered a cave now named after him but the entrance to his cave is 37 meters below today’s sea level. Inside the cave he found as did Howard Carter in the Egyptian royal tombs; “wonderful things.” M Cosquer in diving gear swam into the submerged cave and some distance inside and on a rising plane came to a dry zone above the present sea level with the walls covered with hand stencils and depictions of animals some now extinct such as the ice age megaloceros (deer with giant antlers) and birds such as the great auk.
So when were these paintings and wall etchings made? It could only have been when the sea water level was low enough to allow access without diving gear and that was before the ice melted and the sea level rose. In fact all the evidence shows that the Cosquer cave is dated to 27,000 years before present. Most of the numerous painted caves in France are from the late Paleolithic period between 38,000 and 15,000 bp before, during and at the end of the worst part of the ice age.
No question of humans having lived in the remote past. Take (or send!) your family on holiday to the Perigord region of France especially to Les Eyzies de Tayac, the pre-historic capital of Europe, the evidence is overwhelming.